All fur parents would do everything they can to keep their fur babies safe. Some fur parents may limit their fur babies’ ‘outside time,’ or only allow their pups to go out of the house with supervision from one of the family members. Some may view this as too restrictive. However, some fur parents only do this out of care and concern for their pups.

Some pups patiently wait and stay beside their owners when out for a walk. But other love to run out of their parents’ reach. While most fur parents may trust that their pups will come back after playing, unexpected occasions can also happen.

A recent experience of a fur mom and her pup highlights the need for fur parents to pay close attention to their pup when out for a walk. We should all be wary of where our pup is, especially when near a body of water. This story has a happy ending, but things could have easily changed within just minutes.

Poudre Fire Authority posted a few images of the incident site where a pup was rescued. The picture showed the rescue of a pup that was trapped in a bush in a canal close by Willox Lane, Fort Collins. The pup seemed to have struggled in the water for some time before the rescue team came.

As soon as the responders arrived, they immediately crossed the water to get to the pup. They carried the pup out of the canal and into the owner’s arms. Both the owner and pup were very relieved and thankful for the first responders.

The Poudre Fire Authority made sure that this incident serves as a reminder to all fur parents. In the post, they emphasized that ditches and canals can be very dangerous, just like any other swift water. We all hope that incidents like this would never happen again.

Credits to poudrefire


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