The breed got their charms from their small size, their gigantic personality, and the variety of coat types and colors. In spite of its size, the Chihuahua is fully capable of competing in many dog sports – including agility and obedience. Furthermore, they are among the top 10 watch dogs recommended by experts. The breed loves to be with his human family and nothing more. The breed only requires a minimum of grooming and exercise. The Chihuahua is known to be the world’s smallest dog. However, his personality is the biggest all stored up inside that tiny body.

This larger-than-life persona is what makes him appealing to both men and women alike. Chihuahuas love to spend time with their humans. They are fun to be around and very busy. The Chihuahua’s love to spend their time around the people they love. You may see them riding around in tote bags with their humans or following their owners all over the house. But don’t overindulge as they can become very demanding. The breed can be very affectionate housemates. They are smart and can learn tricks and commands quickly. In fact, the breed is known to compete in many agility and obedience trials with such doggy enthusiasm and success as larger dogs.

The breed is very confident to the point of being willful. Knowing this, you have to be firm and confident when it comes to training a Chihuahua. Use positive reinforcements when training a Chihuahua. You can do this by giving him praise and food rewards. Using harsh or abusive treatment will not result in anything with a Chihuahua. Because they are fearless and curious, they tend to explore boldly. Because of their size, they can escape from yards through small gaps in the fences, can hide anywhere and go to places where other dogs or puppies can’t.

But even though they may appear to be the leader of the pack, they can be accidentally injured by bigger dogs. It is also not recommended to live a Chihuahua alone with a small child under the age of eight. However, no matter what the situation your family is into, never forget to socialize your Chihuahua to children, adults and other animals. What makes them a good watchdog is their wariness when it comes to strangers. However, it is still important that they learn to meet people in a friendly manner.


  • The Chihuahua can live for many years, at the most you must expect to care for him for up to 18 years.
  • The breed is also known to shiver when they are cold, scared or excited. Don’t forget to provide your Chihuahua with a coat when out walking in cold or wet weather.
  • Don’t live your Chihuahua outdoors in a yard as they can be attacked by animals such as hawk and other birds of prey.
  • Chihuahuas are not recommended to homes with small children as they can hurt the dog while playing.
  • The breed needs 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise.

The Chihuahua ranked at 11th place among the 155 breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club.


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