A cute dog persuaded her owner to prepare dinner for her a few hours in advance. A post showing her cute pleading strategy garnered more than 65,000 likes on Twitter.

Tommy Vietor said that during the quarantine, his dog used a combination of sitting and cute gaze to reduce her dinner time from 5:00 pm to 3:30 pm. The tweet also showed an adorable dog sitting in front of the camera, using her cute pleading eyes.

The dog’s performance did not stop there. A few minutes later, he posted another photo of his pet placing a pleading paw on his foot. He went on to say that begging for an early dinner is not the dog’s only quarantine talent. He explained in a subsequent post that she also learned that lying on her owner’s head around 5:30 in the morning is a good way to have an early breakfast.

The dog’s clever approach resonated with pet parents on Twitter, and it eventually went viral on the internet. After a while, many people shared similar experiences. A pet owner shared that his dog would also show his sad face whenever he wanted to reschedule his dinner time from 7:00 pm to 5:30 pm.

Another commenter said that she was in a similar situation, but her dog would whine and attack the sofa. Some people find it amusing, while others believe that spoiling pets excessively is not a good idea. They said that paying too much attention to your dogs during the quarantine may cause them stress once they are left alone after the lockdown is over.

According to Roger Mugford, an animal psychologist famed for teaching Queen Elizabeth Corgis, spending meaningful time with pets also means strengthening the animal’s overdependence. He went on to say that when mom and dad go back to work and the kids go back to school, the dogs that are left alone in the house may suffer.

Credit: Tommy Vietor


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